Teacher Licensure » Teacher Licensure

Teacher Licensure



The Jewish Education Center of Cleveland (JEC) provides support services for Ohio Department of Education (ODE) licensure and credentialing of teachers in JEC affiliated Jewish day schools which are chartered non-public schools.

All educators in Ohio chartered non-public schools must have ODE credentials.
The JEC maintains records of the following credentials:
  1. Types of Credentials
    1. 5-year professional licenses: usually for general studies teachers
    2. 4-year Resident Educator licenses: usually for general studies teachers who recently completed teacher preparatory programs in the state of Ohio or who moved to Ohio with out of state licenses and less than 3 years of teaching experience.
    3. Non-tax certificates for bachelor’s degree holders: may be administrators, general studies teachers who do not have teaching licenses, or Judaic studies teachers.
    4. Non-tax certificates for non-degree holders: usually for teachers of religion, Hebrew or other Judaic studies subjects.
    5. Educational aide permits: usually assistants or aides in classrooms or early childhood teachers in day schools. Renewable annually.                                                                                                                                   
  2. For 5-year professional license holders:
    1. The JEC provides guidance to ensure that teachers have and maintain licenses.
    2. The JEC works with the Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) to ensure compliance with ODE rules and regulations. The LPDC, composed of representatives from each day school, reviews and approves license renewal applications, Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDP’s), and associated course requests, submitted electronically on Pre-Approval forms.
    3. Teachers with 5-year ODE professional licenses refer to the Professional Development Book for renewal requirements.                                                                                                                                                               
  3. For 4-year Resident Educator license holders:
    1. 1.The JEC coordinates the Resident Educator (RE) and mentor program, required by ODE for newly licensed teachers.
    2. The ODE RE program requires Resident Educators to complete specific tasks over four years under the guidance of trained mentors and a program coordinator.                                                                                       
  4. For applicants with non-tax certificates: the JEC approves initial ODE application.                                                       
  5. For educational aide permits: the JEC approves initial and renewal applications.                                                           
  6. The JEC provides guidance to ensure compliance with State of Ohio background check rules which require updates of  fingerprinting every five years.